Random Moments, Pt. III: Motivation

Hey everyone. Hope all is well. This blog post was originally SUPPOSED to be completed during Winter Break but I needed some insight on this topic. I was going to ask a few of my friends, but I'll add/edit this post at a later date. The basis of this blog post is motivation. What motivates me? What motivates other people? What motivates you? I was listening to T.I.'s Motivation on his 3rd CD, Urban Legend thinking to myself what drives me.

Q: What is motivation?
A: Merriam-Webster says motivate is "to provide with a motive." A motive is "something (as a need or desire) that causes a person to act." Motivation to me is giving a person some type of action or maybe just words to do something POSITIVE in their life as well as other's lives. Motivation is pertinent to society, be it positive or negative. Hopefully it's more positive, but sometimes things do happen. People who motivate me: *thinks* Parents, family, friends, peers, teachers, haters, outside influences (i.e. the world). Proving people wrong also motivates me. I love it when someone tells me that I can't do something because I don't have the "right set of tools" (i.e. brain power or tactical skills). It's very satisfying when people get the "sucking-teeth face" and then they say "Man, whatever." *waves* Hi Hater!!

Q: What motivates me to rise and grind?
A: My parents instilled a couple of virtues in me. Hard work and dedication. Watching my father doing what he does has inspired me to do better that he has done. He has worked 3 jobs and sacrificed a lot, just so he can support me, my older brother, and my younger sister as well as himself. But he always puts himself as the LAST person, so that's what I call dedication. My mother has done the same thing, just in a different way. She's made enough money where she struggled to put me in private school for four years and then after graduation, put me through my 1st year @ HU ($30,000 a year). My parents do a lot for me, and even though they never married, they still maintain a GREAT relationship. I am very, very happy for that.

Q: How do I motivate others and am I successful?
A: I try to motivate others by giving advice and my personal experiences. Me and my best friends mentor each other ... in a way. We talk about different situations, and we work things out. Our problems are like algebraic equations. There are different ways to solve many situations, and you can solve different situations with the same method. I try to motivate my little sisters from school to do some of the things I did wrong. So not only can they do better, but so they can be successful in what they did. I motivate my peers to do positive things, through my blog, my actions, and my words. Hopefully, I've struck one of their nerves. If I passed away today, I want to look down at the people I've helped in someway, shape, or form, and find out if I inspired them to do something positive. I have no clue if I've been successful so far. I hope I have, but we'll see.

We'll that's it for today, gotta get to this homework. I hope my book from Amazon.com comes on time for my class, because I'll be quite pissed. But I'll holla at ya'll a little later. I've had another suggestion that wasn't really suggested. It was brought on by a little dialogue by my friend Ryan. You all will see in a few days. But meanwhile, I'll get at ya'll ... PEACE

Posted by [ CharismaticKRM ] | at 3:39 PM


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