Random Moments Pt. II: Helping Others And The Youth
Hey everyone, hope everything is all good. My break has been going well, and I'm not missing HU at all because I've been missing home for a minute. And to be honest, unlike others, I actually have more freedom here at home, than my other peers @ HU have. That's why I'm not ready to go back yet. LOL Back to the task at hand: I've been having random thoughts in the past week. Since I've turned 19, I feel somewhat older. But I can tell that I've become wiser and a lot smarter, especially being away from home and on my own.
Before I start though ... I received my grades from HU ... Decent at best. Momz doesn't think so. Popz can tolerate it, but I know that there's more room for improvement. Even though my GPA is an even 3.0, I know that it's not my best product. I haven't really explained the transcript to my mother yet, but my actions speak louder than words. Yeah, it was a transitional and acclimation-al period in my life, IT still is NO EXCUSE. Momz, if you're reading, I know what you're going to say. I've already talked to Popz about it. But you're probably going through it in your head now. I'll say it for you: "You're paying too damn much for me, to be getting a C on a semester grade. All of those B-'s need to come up to A-'s. All of those B's need to be A's, and the lone A is good. I've sacrificed a lot for you to go to Hampton U, and I don't need you to mess up a great opportunity. Especially when you have a scholarship riding on it." So, what I will do is focus more, use study groups to my advantage, and spend my free time wisely. TRUST: you will see better from your only son, Kyr R. Mack.
Now back to the real RANDOM MOMENTS ... Just had on Will Smith - Just The Two Of Us from his album Big Willie Style. Right now, I have Keepin' Yo Head Up by the one and only Tupac Shakur playing in the background. Tupac in many ways was a misunderstood individual. But his words were very inspirational. Hopefully mine can be as well.
I was on the phone with my best friend Ryan the other day, and we were just talking about the world in our prospective. The world and the people in it have changed so much over the years. Some of it good and some of it bad. I was thinking to myself, how I could change the world. How could I inspire others to do well and not go through some of the negative aspects of life. So, I said to myself that I would love to start a mentoring program for African-American youth, boys and girls. A mentoring program for children between the ages of 8-16. I picked the 8-16 demographic because I believe its a critical age where young men and women are influenced by what they see and what their peers do. But, a few roadblocks appeared within my mind. The roadblocks that came to mind was money and volunteers. How would I get the money to sponsor the program and who would volunteer for such a task? I have great ideas in my mind, its just the course of action that needs to take place for the fantasy to become a reality.
I guess its a curse I have. I want to help others so bad that sometimes my compassion imprisons me. I use the words "curse" and "imprison" because I'm not really a risk-taker. The words "curse" and "imprison" are words that are derived from the characteristics of fear. Fear that things won't go my way or that I will FAIL. But I know deep down that I cannot fail because people are watching. People like my peers, my family, my friends, neighbors and so forth.
But that's just a few thoughts I had. Some of the thoughts were triggered by my friends and their situations, observations of the world around me as I know it. And just plain old experiences. I'm about to go clear my head and do what I do best. And that is chill, watch ESPN, and text. I'll catch ya'll on the flipside. Remember: You Can Do ALL Things In CHRIST Who Strengthens YOU!! ... PEACE!!!